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Office Resource Kit / Deployment / Installing & Customizing Office
Topics in this chapter
  Creating an Administrative Installation Point  
  Customizing the Office Installation  
  Customizing How Setup Runs  
  Customizing Office Features and Shortcuts  
  Customizing User-defined Settings  
  Including Additional Packages in the Office Installation  
  Customizing Removal Behavior  
  Distributing Office to Users' Computers  
  Deploying a Service Release  

Including Additional Packages in the Office Installation

The Microsoft Office XP Setup program supports the chaining of additional packages (MSI files) or programs (EXE files) to the core Office XP installation. Chaining allows you to deploy Office XP and related applications in one seamless process.

A typical installation of Office follows this pattern: The System Files Update is always installed first, followed by the core Office XP package. Then Setup calls Windows Installer to install any number of chained packages in the order that you specify in the Setup settings file (Setup.ini). You customize chained packages by setting properties in Setup.ini or by creating a transform.

Specifying chained installations in Setup.ini

Setup reads the Setup.ini file at the start of the installation process and writes a set of tasks to the Windows registry to install each package listed in the [ChainedInstall_1] through [ChainedInstall_n] sections. By default, Setup passes to Windows Installer the command-line options and properties defined for Office XP; however, you can set unique properties for a chained package in Setup.ini.

For example, you can include Office XP Multilingual User Interface Packs (MUI Packs) in your Office XP installation by adding the appropriate Lpk.msi files to Setup.ini:

French.mstCMDLINE=SOURCELIST=\\server2\share admin_install_point\1036

These lines add the Microsoft Office XP French Language Pack to the Office XP installation. The French Language Pack is installed silently (regardless of the display setting specified for the Office XP installation), the customizations in the transform French.mst are applied, and an alternate source is identified for when the primary administrative installation point is unavailable.

Customize chained packages

In most sections of Setup.ini, including the [Options] and [SystemPackOptions] sections, you use the syntax PROPERTY=value to specify custom property values. In the [ChainedInstall_n] sections, you can set the DISPLAY and MST values with this syntax, along with several additional settings that customize the installation process. However, you must use the CMDLINE property to add other options to the command line that Setup passes to Windows Installer for the package.

You can set the following properties for chained packages in Setup.ini:

  • TASKNAME=<task_name>

    Assigns a friendly name to the installation. Setup uses this name in the Setup log file.

  • TASKTYPE=<task_type>

    Identifies whether the chained installation is an MSI file or EXE file.

Note   If you edit Setup.ini directly, you must specify TaskType=exe to chain an executable file; the value exe is case-sensitive and must be all lowercase. The Setup INI Customization Wizard enters the correct value automatically when you add an EXE file to the Office installation.

  • PATH=<path_to_msi_or_exe>

    Specifies the relative or full path to the MSI file or EXE file.

  • DISPLAY=<user interface display level>

    Specifies a display setting for the chained installation. Use Basic to display only progress indicators; use None for a completely silent installation.

  • MST=<transform.mst>

    Specifies the path and file name of a transform (MST file) to apply to the chained package.

  • CMDLINE=<command_line_options>

    Specifies other property=value pairs or command-line options that Setup passes to Windows Installer during the call to install the chained package.


    To continue installing successive chained packages even if this installation fails, set this property to 1.

  • REBOOT=[0|1]

To restart the computer after the installation completes, set this property to 1.

Use the Setup INI Customization Wizard to add installations

Although you can modify Setup.ini manually in Notepad, the Setup INI Customization Wizard (Iniwiz.exe) provides a convenient interface for adding and customizing chained packages.

To add chained packages to Setup.ini

  1. Install the package you want to chain on the Office XP administrative installation point or another network share.

  2. Start the Setup INI Customization Wizard and enter the path to your Office XP administrative installation point.

    The wizard searches the specified network share for a Setup.ini file and all Windows Installer packages on the network share.

  3. On the Select MSI and EXE files to include in your INI file page, select the check boxes next to the packages that you want to include in your custom INI file, or click Browse to add packages from another location, and then click Next.

  4. Use the arrows to determine the order in which you want Setup.exe to install the chained packages.

  5. On the Specify options for each package in your INI file page, select the chained package you want to customize and specify the options you want for that package.

    For each package you can specify an MST file and unique display settings, as well as additional property values.

  6. To add additional property-value pairs to your custom INI file, select a package, click Advanced Properties, enter the properties and values you want, and then click Next.

The wizard enters all your customizations in the correct sections and with the correct syntax in the Setup.ini file. For example, if you set the SOURCELIST property to \\server\share\admin_install_point2, the wizard correctly enters the following line in the [ChainedInstall_n] section of Setup.ini:


Toolbox   The Office XP Resource Kit includes the Setup INI Customization Wizard, which is installed by default when you run the Office Resource Kit Setup program. For more information, see Setup INI Customization Wizard in the Toolbox.

Requirements and limitations

The Setup program for Office XP is designed to support chaining of other Windows Installer packages and simple executable programs (EXE files). This chaining functionality makes it more efficient to deploy MUI Packs from the Multilingual User Interface Pack at the same time you deploy Office. However, chaining is not the best method to use in all circumstances, as described in the following sections.

Adding programs through the Custom Installation Wizard

The Custom Installation Wizard allows you to add installations and run programs during the Office XP installation. For example, you can run the Profile Wizard (Proflwiz.exe) to distribute custom settings at the end of the Office XP installation. However, you cannot use the Add Installations and Run Programs page of the Custom Installation Wizard to chain additional Windows Installer packages. If Windows Installer tries to start installation of a second package before it has completed installation of the first package, the entire installation process stops.

Toolbox   The Office XP Resource Kit includes the Customization Installation Wizard and the Profile Wizard, which are installed by default when you run the Office Resource Kit Setup program. For more information, see Custom Installation Wizard or Office Profile Wizard in the Toolbox.

Using Windows 2000 software installation services

Microsoft Windows 2000 software installation, a feature of IntelliMirror, works directly with the MSI file and bypasses Office XP Setup and the Setup.ini file when assigning or publishing packages. For this reason, you cannot use Setup.exe to chain Office XP installations when you assign or publish packages. Instead, Windows 2000 deploys Office XP, the Office XP Multilingual User Interface Pack, and other Office-related packages separately and in random order.

Restarting the computer after a chained installation

Office XP Setup does not support forced reboots for chained packages. In other words, you cannot chain a package that must restart the computer to complete its installation because restarting interrupts the Office XP Setup.exe thread and stops the installation process. To avoid this problem, Office Setup sets the REBOOT property to REALLYSUPPRESS by default for all but the last chained package.

You can, however, direct Setup.exe to restart the computer and then resume to complete a chained installation by setting the REBOOT property. For example, if you chain a Microsoft Office XP Japanese Language Pack that includes an Input Method Editor (IME), you can set the REBOOT property to 1 in the [ChainedInstall_n] section of Setup.ini. (In the Setup INI Customization Wizard, select the Restart computer after this package. Setup will resume after restart, and continue installation check box.) This setting adds a task to the registry that directs Setup to restart the computer and then resume the Office XP installation.

Elevating installation of a chained package

If you chain a package that requires elevated privileges to install, you must take the same steps to elevate the installation that you do for Office XP. Setup.exe does not automatically install a chained package with administrator privileges when the Office XP installation is elevated. However, several of the methods that you use to elevate the Office XP installation also elevate any chained installations:

  • If you use the /jm option to advertise Office XP, then every installation listed in Setup.ini is also advertised and therefore elevated.

  • If you set the Windows system policy Always install with elevated privileges, then any user can install any Windows Installer package with elevated privileges.

  • If you log on as an administrator when you begin the Office XP installation and do not log off or restart before it completes, then chained installations run with elevated privileges.

For more information about elevating the Office XP installation for users who are not administrators, see Installations That Require Elevated Privileges.

Chaining MUI Packs

Chaining is particularly useful for adding individual MUI Packs to the core Office XP installation. Each MUI Pack in the Office XP Multilingual User Interface Pack is installed as a separate Windows Installer package (Lpk.msi). To create an administrative installation point for all the MUI Packs, you run LpkSetup.exe with the /a option from the root of the MUI Pack CD. Alternatively, you can install individual MUI Packs by running Setup.exe from the appropriate LCID folder.

You can install MUI Packs on the same administrative installation point as Office XP or create a separate one. The folder structure for each MUI Pack is parallel:


After you install the MUI Packs on the administrative installation point, you edit the Office XP Setup.ini file to chain them to the core Office XP installation. You can set a new display setting, specify a transform to apply, and set other properties that apply only to the MUI Pack installation. The wizard enters the correct information into the [ChainedInstall_n] section of Setup.ini.

To chain MUI Packs to the Office XP installation

  1. Start the Setup INI Customization Wizard.

  2. On the Select MSI and EXE files to include in your INI file page, select the check boxes next to the MUI Packs you want to chain.

    – or –

    If you installed the MUI Packs on a different administrative installation point, enter the name and path of each Lpk.msi file you want to add.

  3. On the Specify options for each package in your INI file page, select an Lpk.msi, enter the name and path of a transform, and select a display setting.

    For example, even if you are installing Office XP with a full user interface, you can select Basic to install the MUI Packs quietly.

  4. Click Advanced Properties and add values for any other properties you want to set for the MUI Pack installation.

For example, the NOFEATURESTATEMIGRATION property cancels the custom action that matches installation states for MUI Pack feature states to corresponding Office feature installation states. When you specify a different installation state for MUI Pack features in the transform, enter the following property-value pair in the Setup INI Customization Wizard:


Chaining the Media Content CD

Another Office-related package that you can chain to the Office XP installation is for Microsoft Office XP Media Content, which includes the Microsoft Office XP Clip Organizer and a library of clip art and other media files that users can insert in Office documents.

The Media Content CD is included with the following Office 2000 suites:

  • Microsoft Office XP Standard

  • Microsoft Office XP Professional

  • Microsoft Office XP Professional with FrontPage (Enterprise and Select editions)

  • Microsoft Office XP Small Business

  • Microsoft Office XP Developer

You install Media Content on users' computers the same way you install Office. A default installation copies only the Microsoft Office XP Clip Organizer (a collection of catalog files) on the local hard disk and leaves the media files (or clips) to run from the source. Instead of deploying Media Content separately, however, you can use the Setup INI Customization Wizard to chain the Media Content package (Cag.msi) to the Office XP installation.

To chain Media Content to the Office XP installation

  1. Copy the Media Content CD to the Office XP administrative installation point.

  2. Start the Setup INI Customization Wizard.

  3. On the Select MSI and EXE files to include in your INI file page, select the check box next to the Cag.msi package, which is located at the root of the Media Content CD.

  4. On the Specify options for each package in your INI file page, select the Cag.msi and specify any options you want.

    For example, to install the Media Content quietly and prevent users from installing the media files on their local hard disks, select the Basic display setting.

Unlike the Office XP CD, the Media Content CD is not compressed. If you use the default setting and leave media files to run from the source, users can get media files from either the CD or the CD image on the network. Unless you change the setting, the Media Content uses the same installation location as Office XP and is installed in the same folder on users' hard disks.

Note   You cannot use the /jm command-line option to advertise the Media Content package or use Windows 2000 software installation (IntelliMirror) to assign or publish Media Content.


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